image description image description

Positioning & Use Instructions

Labeled diagram of the OrthoCor Activ8 Back System
A close up view of the Activ8 controller on the Activ8 neck device.

Activ8 User Guide

Having trouble? Find help below with digital (PDF) versions of the Activ8 User Guide in English and Spanish. These guides provide step-by-step instructions on positioning, use, and best practices for optimal results.



Active Ankle System displayed on a gray and blue background, showing front and back views.

Active System User Guide

Need assistance? Below, you’ll find digital (PDF) versions of the Active System User Guide in English and Spanish. These guides cover proper positioning, usage guidelines, and important information to ensure you get the most out of your device.



Stand alone image of a previous generation Active Knee System

Previous Generation Active System Positioning Videos

Need help with positioning? Click the links below to watch step-by-step videos demonstrating how to properly wear each previous generation Active System device for the best fit and effectiveness.

Neck Active System

Shoulder Active System

Elbow Active System

Hand/Wrist Active System

Back Active System

Universal Active System

Knee Active System

Ankle Active System

Foot Active System

Two OrthoCor OrthoPods overlapping and slightly spread apart.

OrthoPods Instructions

  1. To prepare the OrthoPods for your treatment session, take OrthoPods out of their package 5-10 minutes before you want to start your therapy session.
  2. Let the OrthoPods sit outside of the package to allow the heat to air activate When you are ready to start your therapy session, insert the metal contacts of the OrthoPods into the ports on the inside of your device.
  3. Follow the positioning instructions for each device and make sure the OrthoPods are positioned over the area of treatment.
  4. After your therapy session is finished and you have removed the device from your body, firmly pull on the OrthoPods to remove them from the device.
  5. Dispose of the used OrthoPods in the trash.

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